Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dental Emergency in Los Angeles, What Should You Do?

This is a wonderful time of year to live in the Los Angeles. From the beaches to the hiking trails life is in full swing. To be honest, it is also a great time to be a dentist in Los Angeles. With the surge of outdoor activities always comes a big jump in the number of dental emergencies we see.
Whether it is from ball games in Griffith Park getting a little too friendly or kids eating too much ice cream and cotton candy on the boardwalks, this time of year always sees a big rise in toothaches, chipped teeth and teeth completely knocked out.
Thankfully, in most cases, if you take the proper steps and get to a local Los Angeles dentist soon enough, your dental emergency can be resolved with a minimal amount of suffering and expense. Read more from this blog.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Los Angeles Dentists Give 6 Tips on Easing the Pain After Getting Braces

Getting braces put on for the first time is a completely new feeling for your mouth. Especially when you need to get your braces tightened every once in awhile. This is a lot of pressure on your teeth – literally! So if you start feeling a little uncomfortable around your teeth and gums, there is no need to panic. All of this is completely normal. All of the adjustments your orthodontist is making are for your mouth and smile but sometimes the pain can be a little much. Your teeth are literally being moved so that they are better aligned – of course that’s going to hurt a little bit! Our team of dentists in Los Angeles really wants to make sure you are adjusting to your braces without such discomfort. Read more from this blog: